Ordained Metaphysical Minister and Counselor 


A Strong Spiritual Advisor, Advocate, Healer and Friend 

                                               Rev.Tama Bell 

Dr. Frederick Franck's sculputre at Pacem in Terris in Warwick, New York

    Above: Sculpture by Dr. Frederick Franck, at Pacem in Terris in Warwick


Joy or Sorrow; it is our Endurance which is within our Human Spirit, together with Love in our Hearts, which is God, and then it is God within ourselves that enables us to partake of Both of those Experiences Fully. ~ Rev.Tama Bell

 Rev. Tama, is Strong, Able, Knowledgeable, Loving and Compassionate. Tama invites you to learn more about her and her life work on this website and hopes you will call for more information. Currently she is available for Counseling-Individual or Couples, Weddings-Interfaith, Nondenominational, Sacred Ceremonies including Spiritual Name Ceremonies, Baptisms, Funerals or Memorial Services, Baby Dedications and all types of Blessings and Spiritual Cleansings. Rev. Tama is also available for Hypnosis Therapy. Tama is known for her  powerful and unique Spiritual Healing, and Spiritually Powerful Therapy Sessions. Tama's attention to your needs and her loving care and kindness come from her great desire to be a Healer. Intelligent and Creative, Tama has taken her extensive Science background and melded it together with her Metaphysical Training to bring a Effective Healing Program to her Clients.

 Born in Warwick, New York, Tama was interested and connected to the Spiritual World even as a child. Long days spent on her Father's land, lying in a meadow meditating with the clouds on the Super Natural Powers of God. It was there that she truly experienced God's Love for her and had her first profound Spiritual Experiences so young. Her path, in all she did was guided and never did she stray from that illumination she received in her early life.


Rev.Tama has walked a variety of paths, and has had a variety of very deep experiences. She Married very early, experienced the Illness and Death of Children, the Birth of Children, and all the Emotions and Spiritual Happenings that come with those events. These Deep Transitions that occurred in her Life were only a small piece of what has shaped and molded the person she is journeying to become. We all grow and no one has arrived until after they have passed from this plane and Tama uses all her experiences (perceived as 'good' or 'bad') to find out what she may learn from them. She has always done this, being analytical, and inquisitive, it is a natural part of her personality.


Tama's Sun Sign is Taurus, and she is truly an Earthy, Dependable, Dedicated and Loyal Mother, Sister, Wife, and Minister. You will love the beautiful mix of her Spiritual Aspect together with her Powerful Physical Aspect that governs Rev. Tama. You will want to contact her for help that is Confidently delivered in Advocacy and when trying to Plan or Prepare to Navigate Life,or when all is Hurting and Dark, you will find yourself calling her for the Healing and Love she gives.

Tama was educated in Biological Sciences at Marist College and New York Medical College and is currently a Graduate Student in Metaphysical Sciences and Transpersonal Psychology at University of Sedona. She has successfully completed her Hypnosis training through the National Hypnosis Guild and was trained locally by Peter Blum in Woodstock, New York. Tama was also trained by John Perkins, in the Ecuadorian Medicine Traditions of Shape Shifting, Journeying and other practices. Recently, Tama was also trained in Iridology, by Dr. Donald V. Bodeen, D.C. in Poughkeepsie, New York, enabling her to bring a new healing program into her practice for those who want it. In addition, Rev. Tama credits much of her learning to Joan Henry, The EarthSinger, who is both lead drummer "hahesh'kah and traditional song carrier "dekanogisgi" and finds her home in the Shandaken, New York area.

You may obtain a psychic triage and work up upon visiting with Rev. Tama and she will tailor your healing path. Tama is affiliated with a number of Practitioners who work with her as part of a Powerful Network called the Spiritual Awareness Center in the Dutchess County New York area.



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